Here's the important stuff you need to know.



User privacy is important to (ASH).

Please be sure to read this Privacy Policy Statement before using this Site or submitting information to ASH. By using any part of this Site, user accepts and agrees to the ASH privacy practices. If updates this Privacy Policy Statement occur, user’s continued use of the Site (following the posting of the revised Privacy Policy Statement) explicitly indicates that user accepts and agrees to the terms of the revised Privacy Policy Statement.

User accepts this Privacy Policy Statement when sign up, registering or accessing the Site. This includes use of ASH products, services, content, features, technologies or functions on the Site and all related sites, applications, and services (collectively hereafter known as “ASH”). This Privacy Policy Statement provides the following information:. 



Active Information Collection
Award Show Host both passively and actively collects information from users. During the registration process, users are required to input certain mandatory fields. These include but are not limited to preferred User ID, password, name and email address. These inputs are changeable after registration at any time. Additionally some of this submitted information may be personally identifiable. Information that uniquely identified with the user: your name,  e-mail address, address and phone number. Occasionally ASH requests other user information by asking specific questions on the site and via email and survey.

Passive Information Collection
While using the site, certain information can be passively collected. This is data gathered without the user actively providing the information. The system automatically gathers information about the areas visited on this Site. Operational information collected can be about the technology used, like type of device, desktop, laptop, tablet or phone, the browser type, IP address, operating systems, and Internet service providers. Users have the ability to connect by means of a mobile device via a mobile optimized website. Access through the mobile optimized site may transmit location information and a unique identifier for the device. Most mobile devices allow for disabling location services through the device's setting's menu. This information is used to provide the best user experience possible by allowing us to direct limited resources toward the most utilized form of input. output and user involvement. Information is also used for security purposes. We strive to provide a safe online environment. Beyond prevention, we seek, detect and block security breaches. Our goal is to optimize and update the site as often as practical.

Site Activity Data
Our technology collects and logs every visit to the Site. Access logs are kept for a minimum of 180 days after last login. The logs include, but are not limited to: username, date and time. The logs are used to internally judge site performance including security reviews, site administration and as proof of usage. While the logs are not sold, the data may be shared in the case of a credit card dispute to prove site usage by user. Data may also be aggregated and anonymized for marketing purposes.

ASH may during user interaction place a "cookie" in the browser files. Cookies are data files that help your browser communicate with ASH. Many browsers accept cookies by default. User is free to decline ASH Cookies if user browser or browser add-on permits, unless our Cookies are required to prevent fraud or ensure the security of websites ASH controls. However, declining Cookies may interfere or disable user access or functions of the Site.

User access to the Site or use of Award Show Host Services, (including companies we work with) may place small data files on your computer or other device. These data files may be cookies, pixel tags, e-tags, "Flash cookies," or other local storage provided by user browser or associated applications (collectively "Cookies"). ASH uses these technologies to recognize user as a customer; customize Award Show Host Services, content, advertising and to measure promotional effectiveness. help ensure that user account security is not compromised; mitigate risk and prevent fraud; and to promote trust and safety across our sites and .

Personal Information
Personal information, such as user name and email address is collected during the registration process. Obviously while the registration process is voluntary, without the information, ASH cannot provide access to the features of the site. When creating or joining a pool or filling out a ballot, ASH strives to limit the collection of personal information while also trying to the best personalized services possible. Personal information provided is accessible only to members of user private pool, user pool managers/commissioners and the site administrators. To further protect users, ASH does not keep any credit card information on its servers. Merchant services and credit card processing is handled by a third party.



ASH is constantly balancing personal information collection with the ongoing attempt to enhance the operation of the Site. ASH strives to give the best user experience possible. In order to accomplish this, ASH may on occasion contact user to ask what new features or products the user would like to see on site. This may take the form of surveys or direct contact.

ASH may provide aggregate and anonymized statistics. These include but are not limited to: number of paying customers (manager and commissioners or pool creators), number of users, online traffic patterns, usage, members' demographics, interests and typical customer profile. These statistics will not include any personally identifying information. 



Users can view and modify the personal information provided to ASH at any time. User can review and edit personal information at any time by logging in to your account and reviewing your account settings and profile. This can be accomplished after logging in by using the appropriate links on the main navigation toolbar.

User can close account at any time. If user closes an account, ASH will denote account as "Closed," in the database but will retain personal information from account for a certain period of time, at minimum 180 days after last login. ASH may disclose information only in a manner consistent with practices under this Privacy Policy Statement. For accounts that are not closed, we will retain personal information from user account to collect any fees owed, resolve disputes, troubleshoot problems, assist with any investigations, prevent fraud, enforce ASH Terms of Service or take other actions as required or permitted by law.



The Site is hosted in several places in the United States. The site is governed by United States law, rules and regulations and this Privacy Policy Statement and Terms of Use. The site is intended for users in North America. Site users from Europe, Asia, Africa or any other region where laws, rules or regulations governing personal data collection, site use, and disclosure rules differ from the United States laws, rules and regulations should be aware that by using this Site, users are transferring user personal information to the United States. By doing so, user consents to that transfer.



ASH works hard to protect user personal information. ASH uses both technical and procedural methods to maintain the integrity and security of ASH databases, SSL encryption for data transfer, firewalls, restricted access to data, employee training and other means and methods, etc. Additionally, ASH does not store user credit card information.

Throughout this Privacy Policy Statement, ASH uses the term "personal information" to describe information that can be associated with a specific person. This information can be used to identify an individual.  ASH does not consider personal information to include information that has been made anonymous so that it does not identify a specific user.

The safety and security of user information is also dependent on the individual user. Users must never share passwords with anyone else. Users should notify ASH promptly if users believe password security has been breached. Remember to log off of the site before leaving user device; computer, laptop, tablet or mobile. ASH further urges users to be careful about giving out personal information in public areas of this Site like league message boards. Providing information in these forums is done at user’s own risk. The information shared may be viewed by any user of this Site.



ASH works with third parties, Third parties include credit card processing companies and banks that support merchant accounts. Simply put, this is enables ASH to accept payments from users. This process may require that both parties exchange information about user necessary to complete the transaction including but not limited to: user name, account ID, contact details and billing address.

ASH uses this information to confirm that user is an Award Show Host customer. ASH uses information to confirm payment by user and in turn provide user with payment status notification. 

Information users provide to any third-party within the site will be used for integration to specific user account only. Depending on the integration, ASH may store account ID, access token, and certain pieces of information that are returned by the integration used to maintain the connection between third-party integration andcorresponding user account. This includes merchant services and credit card processing.

ASH further reserves the right to use, share, disclose or transfer user personal information under the following conditions:

  • process transactions
  • confirmation of user transactions
  • If a transaction fails or is later invalidated, provide details of the unsuccessful transaction
  • to provide customer support and troubleshoot problems
  • to respond to claims and resolve disputes
  • to verify user identity including during registration and password reset processes
  • provide service update notices
  • to deliver targeted marketing and advertising offers based user preferences
  • to protect and safeguard our employees, our users, the public and the rights, property and interests of,.
  • legal complianceas required by law or requested by an appropriate government authority
  • manage and measure the performance of the Site to improve and customize content, layout and protect information technology infrastructure
  • given user consent
  • to offer coupons, discounts and promotions, and inform user about upcoming award shows
  • manage, detect or prevent risk to business operations and to remediate violations of policies and user agreements
  • in compliance with credit card rules, a subpoena, or other legal process.
  • enable service providers under contract with ASH to manage risk operations especially in regards to fraud prevention
  • as required in connection with an acquisition, merger, or sale of all or a portion of ASH business

Companies that ASH is either acquired by or merged with, if such a transaction should occur, the new entity will be required to follow this Privacy Policy Statement with respect to user personal information. If personal information could be used contrary to this policy notice will be made.  



Advertisers may display ads on the site that solicit, or contain technology to collect, information about users. This information is collected and used by advertisers, and is beyond ASH control. Questions about banner advertisements, links or third parties should be directed to the specific advertiser.

This Site may contain links to other Sites operated by third parties that may be of interest to the user. ASH cannot control these third party sites, which may collect personal information from user. When user follows a link and leaves the Site, user does so at their own risk.

User may choose to provide ASH with access to certain personal information stored by third parties such as social media sites (e.g., Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin). The information ASH may receive varies by site and is controlled by that site. Associating an account managed by a third party with user Award Show Host account and authorizing Award Show Host to have access to this information, user agrees that Award Show Host may collect, store and use this information in accordance with this Privacy Policy Statement. ASH does not have control over the privacy policies applied by any other party that user may disclose information to. If user would like information on any other party's privacy policy, user is encouraged to contact that party directly.


This Site is not intended for children under the age of 13. We refuse to and will not knowingly collect information from Site visitors in this age group. Parental or Guardian supervision includes a responsibility to discuss Internet usage with their children especially personal disclosed online.



Changes to's privacy policy may occur from time to time without prior notice. However, all privacy policy changes will be reflected of this document by posting a revised version on the Site.



Any questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Policy Statement or the Terms of Service for this Site, can be directed to ASH at:

To protect user privacy, ASH will only respond to e-mail messages sent from the e-mail address the user specified when during registration or any update email address that subsequently changed in the user profile.